How to Reset a Whirlpool Dishwasher [Explained]

There’s nothing worse than having a fully loaded dishwasher that just doesn’t want to run through its cycle seamlessly as it should.

If your dishwasher has decided not to cooperate, there’s usually no need to call a repair person because it may just need to be reset.

There are various ways to reset your Whirlpool dishwasher to get it running again without facing a lot of frustration or getting ready to pick up the phone to call a dishwasher mechanic.

Here are some tips on how to reset a Whirlpool dishwasher.

Doing A Simple Reset

For a quick and easy reset, hold down the start/reset button for 10 seconds. Hopefully, this will fix the anomaly and get your dishwasher running again.

Doing A Hard Reset

If the simple reset didn’t work, try doing a hard reset instead. For this, you want to unplug the dishwasher from the power socket. Leave the dishwasher unplugged for around 30 seconds before plugging it back in and turning it on.

However, if your dishwasher is hardwired into your home’s electrical circuit box, you might have to go out to the circuit box and turn it off from there. Leave this off for 1 minute and switch it back on again.

More often than not, a hard reset should get your dishwasher functioning again.

Check The User Manual For Your Model For Reset Instructions

You’ll find that every different model of Whirlpool dishwasher will have its own reset instructions that can be found in the user manual. This manual will also have a number of troubleshooting instructions.

But, what about if you can’t find your user manual? Thanks to the internet, most user manuals are available online. All you have to do is conduct a Google search for the model of your Whirlpool dishwasher and include the words “user manual”.

The search should bring up a PDF that you can open up and even download for future use. However, if you don’t know the model of your dishwasher, this could pose a problem. To help you out, here are some common reset instructions that should work with most models of Whirlpool dishwashers.

How To Reset The Control Board

Often, the control board of your dishwasher may have encountered a problem if you’ve had a recent power outage or you’ve suffered a power surge. Here’s how to reset the control board:

  • Turn off the dishwasher by pressing the “off” buttons.
  • Unplug the dishwasher from the power socket.
  • After around 5 minutes, plug the dishwasher back into the power socket.
  • Turn the dishwasher back on and select either the “High” or “Pots and Pans” setting.
  • Next, you want to select the “Heat” setting.
  • Wait for around one or two minutes and repeat these selections to see whether your dishwasher is now working as it should.

How To Activate The Diagnostic Mode

Sometimes, the best way to reset your Whirlpool dishwasher is to activate its diagnostic mode. This will also stop the light from blinking or the alarm from going off continuously. Here’s what you need to do to activate the diagnostic mode:

  • Press the button labeled “Heated Dry”
  • Then, press the button labeled “Normal” immediately
  • Again, press the button labeled “Heated Dry” followed by the button labeled “Normal”

On most Whirlpool dishwashers, this should activate the diagnostic mode and cause the dishwasher to reset itself.

On newer models of the Whirlpool dishwashers, the procedure is even easier.

All you have to do is push any three buttons consecutively and repeat the same sequence twice more. Hopefully, this will reset your Whirlpool dishwasher and it will start working normally again.

If all of these things fail to get your dishwasher working normally again, you may need to call a professional. You might even be able to get a quick answer by chatting to an appliance expert online.

Why Do Whirlpool Dishwasher Need A Reset Occasionally?

All dishwashers are fitted with a control board that regulates the different functions and determines how long each cycle will run for.

Under certain circumstances, such as a power surge or even a power outage, if the control board cannot complete a cycle, it may either get stuck in a loop or stop working altogether.

By resetting your Whirlpool dishwasher, you’re effectively erasing the control board’s recent memory and forcing it to start working again correctly as per the factory settings.

Steps You Can Take To Keep Your Whirlpool Dishwasher In Top Working Order

All large appliances need some regular maintenance in order to keep them functioning as they should. Here are some simple maintenance steps you can take to keep your dishwasher in top conditions:

  • Make sure that you clean the filter in the dishwasher regularly. If the filter gets clogged up with food waste, it can cause the unit to malfunction.
  • Ensure that the rinse aid is kept at the minimum level at all times.
  • Consider installing surge protection for your dishwasher in order to protect the unit’s control board and stop it malfunctioning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my Whirlpool dishwasher have a reset button?

Unfortunately, Whirlpool dishwashers do not have an actual reset button but if you follow the instructions above, you should be able to fully reset your dishwasher. Or, consult the owner’s manual for reset instructions for your particular model.

What is the most common problem with a Whirlpool dishwasher?

There are few problems common to Whirlpool dishwashers. These include that the dishwasher does not drain correctly, that the detergent cup does not work as it should, that the dishwasher does not fill with water and that the door of the dishwasher starts to leak.

What is the average life of a Whirlpool dishwasher?

As a general guide, a Whirlpool dishwasher that has been well-maintained should last for around 10 years.

Final Thoughts

If your Whirlpool dishwasher has suddenly decided that it doesn’t want to function correctly, completing a reset will often get it working again. If you follow the steps outlined above, you should be able to get your Whirlpool dishwasher functioning as it should.

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