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Easy, simple & doable homemaking tips.
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There are few things more satisfying than a clean and organized home. Not only does it make for a more pleasant living environment, but it can also be good for your mental health! We’ve collated all of our best tips to make cleaning as easy, and fun, as possible!
Laundry is one of those never-ending tasks that always seems to pile up!
Nobody likes doing laundry, but it has to be done. And if you want to make the process a little less painful, we’ve covered everything we know to make it that little bit easier.
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Sustainable Sparkle: Embracing Greener Cleaning Trends for a Healthier Living
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Gomestic’s Goal
As an online resource about cleaning, laundry, tidying, and homemaking in general, we try to help our readers with practical tips and guides to make taking care of your home as easy, and hopefully fun, as possible!

Who Are We
Around 2007, we were just getting out of our college dorms and started living in the real world! As it turns out, taking care of a home, comes with a lot of questions and skills to learn. Having worked on websites in college, we decided to start Gomestic as a place to share all the things we’ve learned along the way.
- Eddy, Candice, Simon & Lexi.